(877) 800-9711

Gordon Locksmith provides professional locksmith services in the Gordon area, with over 100 years of combined experience, you can depend on Gordon Locksmith.

With 24 hour 7 day a week emergency service, and whether you need an auto locksmith, commercial locksmith, residential locksmith, or any type of locksmith service, our locksmiths are reliable, efficient and able to handle any job or lockout situation in a timely manner.

Looking for a trusted locksmith company that’s licensed and insured ? Need some residential or automobile locksmith solutions? Broke your keys in the lock while trying to open your door? Or can’t find them because somebody stole them? Or maybe your keyless access is not working right? What we are talking about is your home or business security, would you allow a handyman   to work on your house locks and security system? I know you wouldn’t. Call us today! We always answer our phones 24/7.

Automotive Locksmith Services

No one beats Gordon Locksmith when it comes to providing the fastest, most accurate and affordable locksmith service in Gordon, TX.  We have the best locksmiths in the area, highly trained and professional, licensed and insured for your protection.

  • Emergency vehicle lockouts and roadside assistance
  • Broken key extractions
  • Trunks unlocked
  • Transponder computer chip keys cut and programmed at your location
  • Ignition lock repair
  • On-site key cutting for most makes and models
  • VAT key origination ( $300 Ignition only) Older vehicles like the 85-2004 Corvette, Older Cadillacs, etc
  • Pats keys (Older Ford Trucks)
  • Steering column repair
  • Push button proximity fob programmed
  • Emergency keys cut
  • Remote keys
  • And so much more!

Residential Locksmith Services

  • Sheriff Evictions , Marshal Eviction & Police Eviction
  • Locks Re-Keyed and door lock repairs
  • Deadbolts installed
  • Biometric locks
  • Locks Repaired, Replace & Upgrade Existing Locks for homes and businesses
  • Lockouts
  • Safes opened and repairs
  • Keyless Entry Locks installed
  • Decorative Handles (Baldwin, Amtek, Schlage) and many more
  • Door Knobs replaced and serviced – Entry, Privacy, Passage & Storeroom
  • Lever – Entry, Privacy, Passage, Storeroom function
  • Doors Repaired & Adjusted
  • Cabinet locks replaced
  • Garage door repair
  • Mail Box Locks, Patio Door Locks, Window Locks & Security Bars on Garage Window
Gordon Locksmith

Close up Hand holding car key

Palo Pinto Locksmith | Locksmith In Palo Pinto, TX


Gordon, Texas 76453